Did you ever meet someone that you disliked from the very start? That's what happened when we brought together Cole (5'8" 120 lbs) and Adrienne (5'9" 130 lbs). Sexy brunette Cole said she would have no trouble taking apart blonde beauty Adrienne, but we weren't so sure when Adrienne's reaction was one of quiet confidence. They go at it tooth and nail with hard takedowns, headlocks, leg locks, head scissors, body scissors and full body pins as they repeatedly exchange the top position. When Adrienne elbows Cole in the nose the intensity of the fight increases. Cole decides she will rough up her prissy rival and traps her in a vicious schoolgirl pin then knees her in the face. Adrienne goes after Cole's enormous boobs and pulls her hair. They punish each other with kicks, hair pulling and breasts into the face pins as the sparks really fly and both fighters score multiple submissions. The outcome is in doubt until the loser is trapped in a dominating and inescapable schoolgirl pin. She struggles helplessly beneath the victor and gives up as the winner celebrates over her prone body with a victory pose after 35 minutes of intense wrestling between two beautiful females.
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