Big blonde bombshell Leslie takes on tough Susie in this female wrestling battle fought in skimpy micro-mini skirts. A headlock takedown brings Susie to the carpet but she takes the top position then traps Leslie between her strong legs in a tight rib busting body scissors. Susie slams her foes head against the wall with foot across her throat. When they get back to their feet, Amazon Leslie shows off her strength by lifting Susie across her shoulders then carrying her around the room before slamming her into the wall. Leslie mounts Susie in a tight schoolgirl pin then punishes her with hair pulling, head scissors and spanking. This now turns into an all out rumble with flips, punches, chin locks, gvine pins, leg locks with the action so rough they break through the wall. The loser is lifted and spun dizzy in a brutal airplane spin then dominated with head slams, surfboards and kicked into a crying submission after 13 minutes of female fighting action.
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