Treasure, a dream-built California blonde fitness model, battles the awesome, tough and dirty fighting Diane in this fierce female wrestling struggle. Treasures spins her rival to the ground and traps her in brutal body scissors and jackknife pins. Diane reverses her then punishes Treasure with pin downs, head slams, knees and head scissors. She continues the beating with schoolgirl pins then slams her tits harshly into Treasures face. and. A clearly hurt and angry Treasure connects with a spinning punch to raise the intensity of the fight then lifts her foe and spins her before throwing her to the mat. This is a competitive back and forth battle with flips, punches, hair pulling, spanking, headlocks and crotch kicks and biting. The loser ends up trapped flat on her back and surrenders battered and beaten after 15 minutes of female wrestling action.
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